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Our Teachers

Rinzan Pechovnik Osho

Rinzan began his training with the Zen Community of Oregon in 2003, studying under Hogan and Chozen Bays. He did his first sesshin that year and received jukai from Hogan Bays in 2005. In 2008, Rinzan traveled to China where he studied Buddhist traditions and toured and sat zazen at numerous monasteries and Buddhist sites. While still a member of ZCO, Rinzan served on the board of directors and completed training as a lay Sangha leader. He led a Buddhadharma recovery dialogue group, combining the wisdom of 12-Step traditions with the foundational teachings. He also helped codify lay training principles and laid out a path of practice for lay practitioners preceding jukai. 


He left ZCO and began training under Genjo Marinello in 2012, ordained under him in 2014, and was named a Dharma Heir (Inka) in 2019. Rinzan founded No-Rank Zendo as a place of practice that embraces the religious aspects of the Zen Buddhist cultural frame as well as the ordinary, everyday mind that embraces us all. Currently, Rinzan leads sesshin and zazenkai several times a year. He provides Dharma Interview for koan study and enjoys walking and having coffee with sangha members.


Rinzan has worked as a advocate for homeless, addictions treatment counselor and therapist for youth in the criminal system and for the dual diagnosis homeless population. He currently makes his living as a privately practicing psychotherapist. He is married to Anne Senryu Pechovnik and has two adult children. 

Genjo Marinello Roshi

Genjo began training in 1975. He did his first sesshin in 1977 and was ordained in 1980. In 1981-82 he trained at Ryutaku-Ji in Japan, under Sochu Suzuki Roshi and retired Soen Nakagawa Roshi. For a time both he and his ordination teacher, Genki Roshi, trained with Joshu Sasaki Roshi. Genjo was installed as Abbot of Chobo-Ji in 1999 and, after Genki Roshi’s retirement. After training under Eido Shimano Roshi for more than a decade, he confirmed Genjo as a Dharma Heir in 2008. Genjo Osho visits No-Rank Zendo several times a year and No-Rank enjoys the opportunity for quarterly sesshin with him at Chobo-Ji in Seattle.


Genjo Osho is a privately practicing psychotherapist and spiritual director. Currently Genjo serves on the board of Patacara Community Services, which strives to provide community services inspired by the philosophy and teachings of Buddhism. Genjo also serves on the Faith Action Network Interfaith Leadership Council and with Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Network for Indigenous Communities. In addition he is a member of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship and Zen Peacemakers organizations where he has received Witness Council training and participated in international Bearing Witness retreats at Aushwitz/Birkenau, Rwanda and the Black Hills of SD.


Genjo Osho is very aware of the problems associated with three of his core teachers, Genki Takabayashi RoshiEido Shimano Roshi and Joshu Sasaki Roshi concerning their misuse of power to exploit and take advantage of students under their care. He and the Chobo-Ji sangha repudiate and condemn the inappropriate liberties these men have taken with their students. 

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